When considering creating a coordinator role, it’s essential to determine the appropriate access level. Here are the different coordinator roles defined to help you choose:
A *License Coordinator* (or TLC) can:
Manage users at school and district levels.
View usage data at the school and district levels.
Create and edit new teachers, co-coordinators, sub-coordinators, and reports-only users.
Create up to 2 co-license coordinators.
Request Shared Rostering be turned on/off.
Manage content refinement.
View or manage purchase history.
A *Co-License Coordinator* (or Co-LC) can:
Manage users at school and district levels.
View usage data at school and district levels.
Create and edit new teachers, sub-coordinators, and report-only users.
A *Co-License Coordinator* (or Co-LC) cannot:
Request Shared Rostering be turned on/off.
Manage content refinement.
View or manage purchase history.
Create another co-license coordinator.
A *Sub-Coordinator* (or Sub-LC) is someone who manages a portion of the licenses on an account. They can add and remove teachers, reset passwords, etc. for the teachers rostered under them (only).
A *Report-Only account* allows the user to view activity reports for either their school or the entire license (district level). They do not have the ability to manage the teacher or student rosters.
For step-by-step instructions related to administrator roles, you can find them in the links below.