A Learning A-Z student roster can contain up to 36 students, or one family if purchased for home use.
If you're ready to start now, log in to Kids A-Z, and follow these step-by-step instructions:
Click Teacher in the upper right and log in with your teacher username and password.
Select the Add Students link from the My Classroom or Manage Students menu.
Enter the student's username (required) as you would like it to appear on your class chart.
This is the name that will appear under the student's icon on the class chart page and will be visible to students and parents. We recommend you keep it unique for each student, but it doesn't have to be the student's first and/or last name.
Enter the student's name (optional) as you would like it to appear on your reports.
Click the pencil icon in the password column to set a text or picture icon password (required).
Click Save.
Alternately, you can upload a CSV (comma-separated values) file to add new students. Once added, click on the student's name and select Edit Student Info to change the student's name, password, class chart location, group, or parent access.
If you are on a multi-user managed account, you can transfer existing students from another teacher.