Overview: Transfer students from another teacher's roster into your own within a multiple-user managed account.
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Log In:
Use your teacher username and password.
Access Roster:
Select the "Roster" link from the "My Classroom" or "Manage Students" menu.
Transfer Students:
Click "Transfer Students".
Choose the previous teacher's organization from the drop-down menu, or select "All schools in district".
Narrow the search by entering the student's name or the teacher's name.
Click "Search".
Click the arrow to the left of each student you'd like to transfer into your classroom.
Additional Notes:
Retain Student Data: Students will retain their progress, assignment settings, and incentives.
Replace Current Roster: To delete all students from your current roster, check the "Replace My Current Roster" box. Deleted students will still be available for transfer to another teacher's license.
Different Accounts: If the teacher and student are not on the same multi-user managed account, you will not be able to transfer the student into your roster.