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Rostering Errors via CSV Upload

Getting errors rostering? Here is a comprehensive list of errors you may encounter when uploading your .csv file.

Updated over a week ago

Here are some errors you may encounter when uploading your student CSV file and how to troubleshoot them.

The CSV file you are attempting to upload doesn't match our requirements.

Make sure your file is a .csv file and includes a header row.

What does this mean?

This means that the file that is being uploaded is not in the correct CSV format. This can occur if the file is not a CSV (Comma delimited) file.

How do we fix it?

The easiest way is to Download Current Students again. This will provide a fresh CSV file in the correct format with the correct columns for the account. When saving the file after making changes it is important to not change the format, it must be saved as a .csv file. **Additionally, if using a Mac, we do not recommend using Numbers when working with a CSV file. Numbers processes CSV files differently and requires extra steps to ensure the file is actually formatted correctly. Instead, if Excel is not available, Google Sheets does allow for files to be imported/exported as a CSV.

The CSV file you are attempting to upload doesn't match our requirements.

Your file includes unexpected columns.

What does this mean?

This means that there is probably an extra column that was added to the CSV file.

How do we fix it?

The easiest way is to Download Current Students again. This will provide a fresh CSV file in the correct format with the correct columns for the account.

The CSV file you are attempting to upload doesn't match our requirements.

You are missing required headers on the first row.

What does this mean?

This means that a column is missing from the CSV file, or that one of the headers in the 1st row has been changed or removed.

How do we fix it?

The easiest way is to Download Current Students again. This will provide a fresh CSV file in the correct format with the correct columns for the account.

​The import had some issues. Address the errors below then re-run the validation, or re-upload your CSV file.

Teacher has a named classroom but no classroom name was provided.

What does it mean?
This means that an there are some errors somewhere in the columns for specific students. Scroll down and hover over the error icon to get more information about what is wrong. This particular error is caused when a teacher has a named classroom but it is missing from the file.

How do we fix it?

The easiest way is for the coordinator to go to the Teachers tab of their Manage Users page to get the correct Classroom Name for the teacher. Simply locate the teacher from the users list and click the 3 vertical dots to the right. Select Edit and scroll down. Copy the name of the classroom and paste it in the Classroom Name column for any students going into that teacher's classroom. Please ensure that the classroom name matches exactly and contains only alphanumeric characters. Special characters will generate another error.

The import had some issues. Address the errors below then re-run the validation, or re-upload your CSV file.

The teacher does not have a classroom named __________________.

What does it mean?

This means that an there are some errors somewhere in the columns for specific students. Scroll down and hover over the error icon to get more information about what is wrong. This particular error is caused when a teacher has a named classroom but it does not match what is in the CSV file.

How do we fix it?

The easiest way is for the coordinator to go to the Teachers tab of their Manage Users page to get the correct Classroom Name for the teacher. Simply locate the teacher from the users list and click the 3 vertical dots to the right. Select Edit and scroll down. Copy the name of the classroom and paste it in the Classroom Name column for any students going into that classroom. Please ensure that the classroom name matches exactly and contains only alphanumeric characters. Special characters will generate another error.

The import had some issues. Address the errors below then re-run the validation, or re-upload your CSV file.

No error icons are showing.

What does it mean?

This means that an there are some errors somewhere in the columns for specific students. However, scrolling down, there are no error icons to hover over to identify the error. This particular error is caused when a teacher has a named classroom with a special character in it.

How do we fix it?

The easiest way is for the coordinator to go to the Teachers tab of their Manage Users page to correct the Classroom Name for the particular teacher. Simply locate the teacher from the users list and click the 3 vertical dots to the right. Select Edit and scroll down. Edit the name of the classroom to remove any special characters, it can only be alphanumeric, meaning letters and numbers only (spaces are okay). Copy and paste the new classroom name in the Classroom Name column of the CSV file for any students going into that classroom.

The import had some issues. Address the errors below then re-run the validation, or re-upload your CSV file.

Teacher is not under this coordinator.

What does it mean?

This means that an there are some errors somewhere in the columns for specific students. Scroll down and hover over the error icon to get more information about what is wrong. This particular error is caused when there is a teacher username on the CSV file that doesn't match a teacher under the coordinator.

How do we fix it?

The easiest way is for the coordinator to go to the Teachers tab of their Manage Users page to get the correct teacher username. Simply locate the teacher from the users list and copy the username. Then paste the username in the Teacher Username column of the CSV file. Please note that the classroom name must also match exactly and can only be alphanumeric.

The import had some issues. Address the errors below then re-run the validation, or re-upload your CSV file.

Teacher has too many students assigned for classroom _________________.

What does it mean?

This means that an there are some errors somewhere in the columns for specific students. Scroll down and hover over the error icon to get more information about what is wrong. This particular error is caused when a teacher has too many students. This can occur if old students haven't been transferred or cleared from the roster yet.

How do we fix it?

First, coordinator should double-check their CSV file to make sure the teacher has 36 students, or less, in each classroom. If teacher will have more than 36 students, they will need an additional license and classroom. If teacher has 36 students or less, the easiest way is for the coordinator to clear the rosters before attempting to upload the current file again. Simply Download Current Roster again, and mark all students with a lowercase "y" in the Deleted column of the CSV. Upload this file to clear the roster. After that, uploading the new file to update the roster should work.

The import had some issues. Address the errors below then re-run the validation, or re-upload your CSV file.

This is a required field.

What does it mean?

This means that an there are some errors somewhere in the columns for specific students. Scroll down and hover over the error icon to get more information about what is wrong. This particular error is caused when the student username is missing.

How do we fix it?

This is a required field and is created by the coordinator/teacher. Simply provide a username for the student.

The import had some issues. Address the errors below then re-run the validation, or re-upload your CSV file.

The LAZ Student ID ________ cannot be transferred at the same time as a name change.

What does it mean?

This means that an there are some errors somewhere in the columns for specific students. Scroll down and hover over the error icon to get more information about what is wrong. This particular error is caused when the student has had some changes made and is being transferred at the same time.

How do we fix it?

Students cannot have changes made and be transferred at the same time. It is recommended to edit students with a separate file as a later step in the rostering process.

Generally, it is best to split rostering into 4 steps and to download current students again before moving to the next step (see Setting Up Student Rosters):

1) Remove students

2) Transfer students

3) Add new students

4) Edit students (if needed)

When transferring students, the only changes to the file should be to the Teacher Username and Classroom Name columns.

The import had some issues. Address the errors below then re-run the validation, or re-upload your CSV file.

The student grade level is not allowed. Students can have any grade a teacher can except "Multiple".

What does this mean?

This means that an there are some errors somewhere in the columns for specific students. Scroll down and hover over the error icon to get more information about what is wrong. This particular error is caused when the grade for a student is invalid. This can occur if a teacher is set to Multiple grades and a grade was not entered for the student when originally rostered.

How do we fix it?

The easiest way to resolve this error is to either set the student's correct grade or to clear this cell and leave it blank.

No error received but students still have not been removed from teacher rosters.

You have successfully imported students.

What does this mean?

This occurs because students were not correctly marked to be deleted. There are no errors in the file but the Deleted column has an uppercase "Y" instead of a lowercase "y".

How do we fix it?

Replace the uppercase "Y" in the Deleted column with a lowercase "y" and re-upload. This will correctly remove the students from the teacher rosters.

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