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99 Resource Limit
Updated over a week ago

An individual student can only have up to 99 resources assigned, not including completed assignments.

To make space for a new assignment, the student will need to complete their current assignments. Alternately, you can remove existing assignments from a student.

• Log in to Kids A-Z.
• Click Assignments.
• Select View by Student on the Raz-Kids or Raz-Plus tab.
• Click the name of the appropriate student. (You will now be in the student's individual profile page).

• Click the Raz-Kids or Raz-Plus tab.
• Click the X icon next to the assignment you want to remove.

You can also remove multiple students from an assignment at the same time.

• From the Assignments page, click View by Assignment.
• Click the menu icon to the right of the desired assignment.
• Click Edit.
Uncheck the desired students and click Update Assignment.

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