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Assigning Custom Lessons in Vocabulary A-Z
Assigning Custom Lessons in Vocabulary A-Z
Updated this week

Vocabulary A-Z offers over 17,000 words for creating or customizing lessons.

Steps to Assign a Custom Lesson:

  1. Log in to Vocabulary A-Z.

  2. Click New Lesson.

  3. Name the lesson.

  4. Select a category or create a new one (optional).

Finding Words for Your Lesson:

  • Resource Words: Browse related words when customizing a premade lesson.

  • Word Search: Search for specific words.

  • Word Lists: Browse by function, content, or special lists.

  • Your Words: Add words not in the database.

Adding Words to Your Lesson:

  1. Click the + to add words to your lesson.

  2. Each lesson can include up to 30 words and must have at least two words to be digitally assignable.

  3. Click Save Lesson.

Assigning the Lesson:

  1. Click Assign or Download to print a PDF with a lesson plan, worksheets, and an assessment.

  2. Select the assignment type and categories.

  3. If Intervention is selected, choose interactivities and at least one Test Me activity.

  4. Click Choose Students.

  5. Select students and assignment settings.

  6. Click Assign.

Any lesson you create or customize will be saved in Your Lessons. Students will see custom lessons in the Vocabulary section of Kids A-Z.


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