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Classroom Helper

Co-Teacher, Parent Aide, Teacher's Aide

Updated yesterday
  1. Licensing Requirement: Each classroom must purchase a license to use copyrighted resources as part of the curriculum.

  2. Resource Access: Once licensed, classroom helpers (co-teachers, parent aides, teacher's aides) serving students in the licensed classroom may use the teacher's login credentials to download resources.

  3. Team Teaching: For team teaching scenarios, please provide us with the following information to ensure your account is updated and notated accordingly. This ensures all educators involved can receive the appropriate support.

    • The username on the account the helper will be accessing.

    • First and Last Name of the helper.

    • Email Address for the helper.

    • How do they intend to use the resources with the homeroom teacher?

    • Do they have their own set of students that will be added to the roster?

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